Through the financial contribution from the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia- Central Directorate for Local Autonomies, Safety and Immigration Policies of € 30.000 for the year 2020 (Decree n. AAL-DEC-2020-0003705-P on 12/11/2020)

In compliance with the law n. 3 of February 7th 2013, a Convention for the institution of an Information Office for the Serbian Orthodox Community present on the territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region was stipulated and signed on February 5th 2016. The Convention was signed by the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, The Municipality of Triest, The Chamber of Commerce in Triest, The Prefecture in Triest, The General Consulate of the Republic of Serbia in Triest and the Serbian Orthodox Religious Community in Triest.

The Information Office was officially inaugurated on April 21st 2016.

The Office provides the following services:

Information about and preparation of requests for the issuance and renewal of the Italian permit of stay (Permesso di soggiorno)

Information about and preparation of requests for the issuance of permanent permits of stay (“Permesso di soggiorno UE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo”) and of the permits of stay for the EU citizens’ family members (“Carta di soggiorno per familiari dei cittadini UE”)

Online booking of the Italian language exam sessions (A2 level) necessary for the obtaining of the permanent permits of stay

Information about and sending of applications for the Italian citizenship

Information about Italian language courses for foreigners and level B1 Italian language certificates necessary for the Italian citizenship

Information about Italian pension system

Information about and verification of workers’ pension contributions in Italy

Information about a voluntary registration in the Regional Health System and assistance with the renewal of the Italian Health Insurance Card

Information about enrollment at the University of Trieste/ primary schools/ kindergartens

Information about recognition of foreign university and school diplomas and degrees in Italy

Information and assistance with the activation of the personal SPID code

Information about and assistance with residency applications in Municipality/ hospitality declarations for foreigners (dichiarazione di ospitalità e dichiarazione di presenza) in the Police station (Questura)

Creation of Curriculum Vitae

Address and contacts

Information Office for the Serbian Orthodox Community
Via Genova 15/b, 34121 TRIESTE
tel.: +39 040 631 801
certified e-mail (PEC):
ОFFICE HOURS FOR PUBLIC ACCESS: Monday and Friday 8.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday 4.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. BY APPOINTMENT only. On Wednesdays closed for public access